Jurnal Bina Ilmu Cendekia 2024-08-26T11:47:59+07:00 Dr. M. Kamal, S. Ag,. M. Pd Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Bina Ilmu Cendekia merupakan jurnal publikasi ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi dengan ruang lingkup bidang pendidikan antara lain Kajian Literasi, Penelitian Bidang Pendidikan, Belajar Mengajar, Pengembangan Kurikulum, Teknologi Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Pendidikan. Jurnal Bina Ilmu Cendekia didedikasikan bagi para siswa, guru, dosen, praktisi dan peneliti pendidikan untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiah mereka. Sebagai komitmen kami untuk kemajuan pendidikan dan pengajaran, Jurnal Bina Ilmu Cendekia mengikuti kebijakan akses terbuka yang memungkinkan artikel yang diterbitkan tersedia secara online secara gratis tanpa berlangganan.</p> Urgensi Profile Pelajar Pancasila Terhadap Siswa Sekolah Dasar 2024-06-05T17:47:07+07:00 Nazila Syifa Thohiroh <p><em>Pancasila as the foundational philosophy of Indonesia has values that are relevant and can shape the character of a good student. This article explains the values of Pancasila such as Belief in the One and Only God, Just and Civilized Humanity, the Unity of Indonesia, Democracy Led by Wisdom of Deliberations among Representatives, and Social Justice for all Indonesians, in language that is easy for elementary school students to understand. Previous research has shown that the application of Pancasila values in the daily lives of elementary school students has significant benefits, such as strengthening a sense of nationality, shaping good character, fostering an attitude of tolerance, increasing harmony between individuals, and developing social awareness. However, if elementary school students do not understand and apply the values of Pancasila, they may experience obstacles in character development, loss of national identity, lack of tolerance, and lack of social awareness. Therefore, it is important for elementary school students to be introduced to and internalize the values of Pancasila through education and practical experience in the school environment, as well as to understand, internalize, and apply the values of Pancasila in their daily lives.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nazila Syifa Thohiroh Hambatan Psikologi Digital Dalam Pendidikan di Sekolah Dasar 2024-06-05T17:47:41+07:00 Nazila Syifa Thohiroh <p><em>The development of technology and advancements in education have driven educational institutions to adopt various digital technology tools and applications to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of learning. The COVID-19 pandemic can be considered as the main trigger for the large-scale use of digital technology in the education sector. The current world of education is largely dependent on the use of digital technology, which has brought many benefits, but at the same time, psychological barriers to digital technology have emerged that need to be addressed. These barriers include limited access, attention deficits, stress, lack of social interaction, and the risk of abuse and online crime. It is important for relevant parties to overcome these barriers so that the use of digital technology in education can have a positive impact on students. This paper is written using the Literature Review method, which is conducted for various purposes, including identifying, reviewing, evaluating, and interpreting all available research in an interesting topic area, with a particular relevant research question.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nazila Syifa Thohiroh Pembelajaran Berbasis Multikultural 2024-06-05T18:01:36+07:00 Nazila Syifa Thohiroh <p>Indonesia is a country rich in cultural, ethnic, religious, linguistic, and customary diversity. As a nation with more than 17,000 islands and over 300 ethnic groups. However, this diversity can also be the main source of the country's destruction if it is not properly united. Through multicultural-based education, it is hoped that it will be able to foster and nurture the unity and integrity of Indonesia. This paper is written using the literature review method, which is a term referring to a particular research or development methodology carried out by collecting and evaluating related research on a specific topic focus. This research aims to explain multicultural-based education, including its definition, basic principles, and challenges.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nazila Syifa Thohiroh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa MTsN Sumber Bungur Pamekasan 2024-07-17T13:20:30+07:00 ST Fatimah Indari Dalilah <p><em>This article discusses cooperative learning models to increase student learning motivation. One of the factors that influence student motivation is teachers 30%, internal factors 23.4%, learning facilities 41.4%, environment 0.032%, intelligence 12.7% talent 43%, interest in learning 74.76%, motivation 0.379%, emotional 49.3%. Therefore, the Jigsaw Learning model is used to increase student learning motivation at MTsN Sumber Bungur Pamekasan. The method used descriptive qualitative Classroom Action Research (PTK) on 40 students, 21 students and 19 female students each, accompanied by a team of 29 expert teachers. The results of Jigsaw Learning using PTK show that cycle I produces learning motivation of 69.31%. Meanwhile, student learning in cycle II experienced an increase of 70.4%. The application of Jigsaw Learning can significantly increase learning motivation in cycle II with an average student score of ≥ 68.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ST Fatimah, Indari, Dalilah Dampak Penggunaan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pada Materi Perbandingan 2024-08-26T11:47:59+07:00 Ratna Mustika Yasi Zulfa Astri <p>Pembelajaran yang sering ditemui berfokus pada aktifitas guru sebagai pengajar dan metode pembelajarannya yang sebagian besar digunakan adalah metode ceramah yang kurang menarik perhatian dan minat siswa terhadap pelajaran matematika. Pada penelitian ini peneliti mencoba menerapkan salah satu metode pembelajaran yang menuntut siswa aktif dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar yaitu pembelajaran dengan menggunakan lembar kerja siswa (LKS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan lembar kerja siswa (LKS) terhadap hasil belajar siswa materi perbandingan SD Negeri 2 Sumber Beras Muncar di kelas 5. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif, metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode validasi alat peraga dan lembar kerja siswa, metode observasi, tes, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Pengambilan responden dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling yaitu penentuan sampel secara acak. Responden pada penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas V dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 35 siswa. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dilihat dari hasil perolehan observasi dari keefektifan pembelajaran untuk skor rata-rata pengelolaan kelas dengan menggunakan alat peraga dan lembar kerja siswa (LKS) pada materi perbandingan dari 35 siswa mendapatkan kategori baik. Dengan data tes siswa yang memenuhi nilai sebanyak 83% dan nilai yang tidak tuntas sebanyak 17%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisa data dapat diidentifikasi bahwa dengan Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan LKS dapat dikatakan dapat menaikkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi perbandingan karena jumlah (t<sub>hitung</sub>≤t<sub>tabel</sub>) yaitu t<sub>hitung</sub>= 0,002627513 dan t<sub>tabel</sub>=2,011223 artinya H<sub>0</sub> ditolak dan menerima H<sub>1</sub>, artinya pembelajaran dengan menggunakan LKS pada materi perbandingan terhadap hasil belajar siswa.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratna Mustika Yasi, Zulfa Astri